Annie in Canada |
Annie is a 4 year old spayed female "lemon" (white with tan patches) basset hound. She is a survivor from a basset puppy mill in the US Midwest. She had been bred to the point of herniating, and deemed unfit to breed, so she was found at a dog auction, where she was being auctioned for medical research. She came to us through the kindness of Pat and the people of the Washington Basset Hound Rescue in Spokane Washington USA. In rescue she had been named Lady, but we decided that with a new life should come a new name, so she became Annie. She has had developmental issues with humans, and of course, self confidence. I have been chronically her journey from abused,in a near-feral state, fearful of any movement or sound, to making such small but significant steps to actually taking food from my hand. From someone who would dig and hide under the house, to jumping up and barking orders to get her into her halter and get Thunderbird to the beach, NOW. This Annie however can disappear as quickly as it surfaces and she will bolt to her safe haven behind the water tower where she will stay for hours. The she will suddenly decide to be sociable and want to get her belly rubbed and ears scratched until she dozes off with a snore. Miles to go, but miles have already been crossed in less than 2 years. She has adapted to moving to Thailand well. Her favorite things are going for a ride in Thunderbird three, off her halter and running free as fast as she can. Her adoption information and photos are at this link,
Annie in Thailand |